Protective measures should be taken during the use of mobile dense racks

Date of release:2020-08-11 Author: Click:


Protective measures should be taken during the use of mobile dense racks

The function of mobile dense shelves is to store file information, which can store a large amount of file information and save space in archives, and is deeply loved by people. When using dense racks in daily work, we should take protective measures to better protect the safety of stored items. Next, let's take a look at what protective measures need to be taken for mobile dense racks.

1. Protect against sunlight, as the ultraviolet rays in the sunlight have a significant direct destructive effect on the fibers and lignin in the paper, which can reduce the strength of the paper. Therefore, when installing the dense rack, try to avoid direct exposure to strong light to avoid damaging the stored files and data.

2. The archives should be fireproof, as the occurrence of a fire can cause devastating damage to archival materials, and most fires are caused by the negligence of management personnel. In addition to their job duties, regulatory personnel also need to do a good job in the fire prevention of the archives, and can add some fire prevention equipment to prepare for emergencies.

3. Insect prevention is very necessary because archival materials are all paper documents, and if stored for a long time, it is inevitable that insects will grow, which poses a great challenge to the integrity of the paper. Therefore, management personnel need to regularly check all archive materials for any signs of insect infestation. To prevent insect infestation, some camphor balls can be placed in dense shelves to avoid infestation.

4. The archive room needs to ensure anti-theft measures, especially the confidentiality of important archival materials. Devices such as cameras and alarms can be installed in the archive room.

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