Selection of Jiangxi Bookcase

Date of release:2020-06-30 Author: Click:


Selection of Jiangxi Bookcase

The bookshelf, one of the indispensable members in home life, is also the king in the study. It not only brings convenience to our office, but also symbolizes fashion with a personalized bookshelf. The rich atmosphere of books, combined with fashionable embellishments, brings a comfortable feeling to people. The design of the bookshelf is endless, with a variety of styles, always dazzling.

Pay attention to quality

To carefully inspect the quality of the bookshelf, check the type of wood indicated in its quality manual. The bookshelf must be made of sturdy and durable wood; At the same time, check if the paint applied on the outside of the bookshelf is smooth and even, and smell if there is a pungent odor when approaching the bookshelf. If there is a pungent odor, it is best not to purchase it; Open and close the cabinet doors to see if they are smooth. If there is a creaking sound, it is best not to make a purchase.

Choose the appropriate shape

The common bookshelves in the market include straight, L-shaped, and U-shaped. Families with smaller study areas are more suitable for purchasing straight bookshelves, families with moderate area can choose L-shaped bookshelves, and families with larger area can choose U-shaped bookshelves.

Pay attention to depth, thickness, and height

Some homeowners believe that bookcases should choose bookcases with a larger depth, which can accommodate more books. However, this can cause difficulties in retrieving books. When retrieving books from the innermost bookshelf, it is necessary to remove all the books in the front row, which is very troublesome. Therefore, the maximum depth of the bookshelf is 30CM; The thickness of the bookshelf needs to be between 30-40CM to ensure that after placing books and items inside, there will be no collapse of the bookshelf; The height of the bookshelf is about 2.1 meters, which can be very troublesome when picking up books. Owners can choose the appropriate bookshelf height based on their own height.

Pay attention to the internal and external dimensions

Many bookcases on the market do not pay attention to designing according to the height and width of different books, resulting in a significant waste of space. For ordinary consumers, before choosing a bookshelf, they should determine the style of the bookshelf based on their existing books and the books they will purchase in the future. If most books are in 32 format, there is no need to choose a bookshelf designed with a height and thickness of 16 format books to avoid wasting valuable space.

Pay attention to firmness

Books are heavier and different from other items stored in furniture, so they require high firmness, especially the middle horizontal board, which needs to be strong and vertical support, so that the overall structure can be sturdy and durable.

Select supplier

After mastering how to choose what kind of bookshelf to buy, which one to choose from the thousands of suppliers in the market? Of course, under the premise of ensuring quality and quantity, it is definitely up to whoever offers the cheapest price and the best service. When it comes to price, only when manufacturers have an absolute advantage in this market and have very low manufacturing costs, will there be very low prices. Otherwise, under the premise of high production costs, it is impossible for you to expect him to have a cheaper price, so you also need to compare prices with three other companies.

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