Introduction to the functions of the automatic control system for electric dense racks

Date of release:2024-05-16 Author: Click:

1. Manual operation function:

The dense rack can be manually shaken without electric operation, and the manual shaking force of each section of the dense rack is not more than 12N (increasing proportionally for multiple sections and columns). Under the push of the active column, all the preceding columns move forward until they are in place and stop.

2. Electric operation function:

The main principle is to install a set of transmission mechanisms and controllers in each row of dense racks, and control the operation through the "left, right, stop, and prohibit" buttons on the side panels of each row, and display the current status through the display screen.

Due to the use of a self uncoupling mechanism, the handle does not rotate during electric operation and remains in a drooping state to prevent accidental injury to other personnel.

● Moisture and mold proof functions

The dense rack is equipped with an automatic temperature and humidity monitoring system, which monitors the temperature and humidity inside the rack in real time and displays the current temperature and humidity inside the rack on the display, reminding operators to prevent insect infestation or mold caused by damp files.

● Smoke and fire prevention function

The dense rack is equipped with a smoke sensing probe, which can monitor at any time in the enclosed space of the dense rack when it is closed. If there is any abnormality, the smoke sensing signal will be fed back to the computer to remind the operator to handle it.

● Human body protection function

Infrared detectors are installed between the columns of the dense rack. When the operator works inside the rack, the infrared safety device can lock the dense rack and prevent it from moving. Only when the operator leaves the dense rack can it resume operation, ensuring the safety of the operator.

Chain wheel protection function

Each column of the dense rack is equipped with a safety lock. When locked, neither electric nor hand cranked can move, and locking information is fed back to the computer.

3. Computer operation functions

The application of computer software to operate the opening, closing, and moving of the dense shelf can timely, quickly, and conveniently locate the exact location of data, and display the storage location on the display screen of the control panel. The computer control system is convenient for operators to quickly locate the location of data, that is, the column, section, and layer where the data is located, and display the exact address in the control panel display area of the column, and automatically open it at the same time.

● Timing and positioning ventilation function

This function can set automatic timing and positioning ventilation functions under the premise of computer operation. In this way, within the set time, the dense racks in each column can be automatically separated by a certain distance, forming a gap between the columns, allowing the indoor constant temperature and humidity air conditioning system to replace the air inside the racks to prevent moisture and insect damage to the files. This function cannot be achieved with pure electric or manual operation.

● Batch data operation function

Implement batch operations for data placement and extraction. When multiple data sets need to be stored or extracted, simply enter the information of the data to be stored or extracted in batches on the computer one by one, without leaving the warehouse. All input computer data can be stored or extracted in one go, reducing repetitive labor. For the currently operated columns, layers, and sections, they are not only displayed on the computer screen, but also scrolled on the corresponding column displays to remind customers and facilitate operation.

Barcode management function

During data collection, scanning barcodes can be used for data entry, reducing the burden on staff. Barcodes and other information can also be printed, making it easier for user units to simplify the data management process.

● Touch operation function

Placing touch screen displays in the warehouse can synchronize with the operation of the control console, and simple control operations can be performed by manually clicking on the touch screen, greatly facilitating the operation of staff.


The design of dense shelves involves a wide range of technologies, including temperature and humidity automatic control systems, smoke detection systems, telephone automatic alarm systems, identity recognition systems (such as fingerprints or smart magnetic cards), barcode input/output, e-commerce, archive management systems, network construction, and database sharing, which customers can choose from.

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